Monday, August 25, 2014

Who are You? What's your Role? Do you know!!!

The roles of an End-time Youth!
Bible speaking gave us the what we can call the explanation of end-time and its events. II Timothy 3:1 says  Don't be naive. There are difficult times ahead as the end approaches. (dMSG). I'll like captioned this year's theme as "The Roles of Youth in the End-time" and not vice-versa. While thanking God for this magazine and the entire Youths of the Peace Tabernacle Church, Oyo for this year's convention, may His name be praised for ever. Amen.
Foremost, it is paramount to know that we are not an end-time youth but youth in the end-time. We've been called out of the world. Paul admonishes us never to let no man despise thy youth (1 Timothy 4:12a). So as a youth here in this time let no one, no thing, no friend, no association, no man / woman, no fame, and or nothing at-all despise thee. 
Except the importance / use of a thing is known, abuse is inevitable. What really causes despise and abuse is because many youths today have failed in knowing whom they are. You have to ask the question 'who am I' and answer it correctly.
Now, let's see what are the roles of a Youth in this end-time. Before that, we should not forget, end-time has its' attributes as stated in 2 Timothy 3:2-5. It's like asking a soldier what's your role in battlefield. If the end-time is synonymous with evils and corruption, then God expects His ambassadors (i.e. the youths) to rise to the task.
You wanna ask: what is the role of a youth in this corrupt nation, his / her role in the campus, Youth's role in the business sector, in academic sector, in politics, in church of God and in the world at large. What are our roles as Youth. Except you know you've got a role to play, you don't need venture into the 'play-let'. A man with no role has no need to be in the film location. So, whether we like it or not for the fact we are here at such a time as this, (end-time) we have roles to play. You have part to play. Whether it's a good or bad one now depends on you.
The life of queen Esther in Shushan the palace should give us vivid samples we can glean from; our roles in any sector we are. The book of Esther chapter 2 to the end will appraise us much of her qualitative roles:
i. She was qualified to be in the palace [vs. 3]. Sir / Ma, are you qualified to get to the palace. Esther was among those "fair young virgins". She has the qualification. Do you have it bro and sis. Only the FAIR, YOUNG and VIRGINS are qualified as that was the qualification then and even now. How's your behaviour as a youth; can it be said to be fair or bad. Well, many has the second qualification but failed to get the first. There are many YOUNG but Un-Fair youths today. Lastly, they must be VIRGINS. Purity is a Virtue. How pure are you. The first role is to be qualified in this end-time.
ii. [vs. 3] Also spoke of their things for Purification. Even with the assignment and task ahead, they needed to be purified. Many youths have been en-danger by their past. You need things for PURIFICATION. Esther collected her's. Have you gotten your own things for purification. The second role of a youth is to be PURIFIED. A life with no Purity ends in Futility.
iii. [vs. 4] How pleased are you to the people around you. How pleased are your character to your community. There can be no better World except we've got a better Nation and there can be no better Nation except we've a better People and no better People except there is a good Person. A better person is keen to changing the world. Nigeria would be good if there are good Persons. Our nation will be clean and green when the youths decide not to lither the environment again. Corruption will reduced or be eradicated when the youths stands for justice.
<*> What do we say about Joseph's role in Egypt - (He helped them with the decomposed Economy)
<*> What do we think about David's role? (He brought down Goliath's head as a youth)
<*> What of Daniel and his friends? The account of Heroes of Useful Youths continues from then till now. You and I can join by causing a change in this world of ours. We are not useless but Useful only when we take Responsibility.
I will conclude this text by saying; no one can change nothing except he / she is changed. The cost of Change is Changes. When you're Changed you can then make Changes. Our roles as Youths in this End-time is endless but we can all begin with a step. God could be the step in the right order. Go and perform your roles...

Opoola Oluwaseun G.
[Singapore __ (+234) (081)34825853]
Twitter: @Singapore6
Facebook: Singapore Opoola

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