Wednesday, August 27, 2014

my weakest point Lamide Johnson


It was one hell of a blow

A deadly one I must say

An absolute knock out!

I saw a bright flash as the hands
of my opponent washed over my face.

Suddenly the boxing ring seemed to whirl away,

..and I fell down rock hard

I could hear the crowd cheering loud

People I thought were on my side 
began to rejoice at my falling

My opponent – Sin, was excited!!!

For I could feel him bask in the
glory of his strength

Once again, he won,

Or so I thought.

He knew my weakness, my weaknesses.

A good boxer will capitalize on 
the weak spot of his opponent.

Sin was definitely the best in the game.

 Immediately I Iet my guards down 
and strayed off the highway of righteousness

He sent a dart I couldn't avoid,

A scar I earned

The referee rushed to my side, 
upon sighting me take a fall

And began to hit the base
of the boxing ring for the
inevitable countdown

 “One!” He shouted

I tried to drag my weak body up,
 but my knees wobbled ceaselessly

I was so disappointed the crowd
cheered away, not caring about the pain I felt

 “Two!” This time, he wasn't the 
only one counting, the crowd had joined him

I’d never felt so limp before,
it seemed like I was drained

I dreaded the ‘number three’, 
If it did come I’d lose the round, again

And then, like hearing a distant echo,
I heard the last count…”Three”

However, something amazing happened

The bell did not ring

The victor, Sin, was not given the crown

 The next word I heard was “Four,”
“Five,” “Six, Seven, Eight, Nine……..”

And on, and on.

The crowd went dead silent,
only the Referee counted on

I looked into His eyes, and
saw compassion, love and mercy

And He whispered to me

 “I’d count till a million if that’s
what it takes for you to get up
and win this match, with me by
your side, you can never fail!”

 I could only mumble some words,
until I drifted away

 I needed no one

I had all I needed

And He was by my side...Grace.
(cued from...

...GOD's modus operandi

God's Modus Operandi simply means; God's method of operation.
For God to act, you must belief. It doesn't work with God like the way with men. He has His plans and ways of operation.
...God doesn't need few seconds
...God doesn't need some few more minutes
...God doesn't need some few hours more
...God doesn't need a whole day
...God doesn't need a whole week
...God doesn't need a whole month
...God doesn't need a calendar year
...God doesn't need a decade
...God doesn't need a century {OF COURSE HE COULD MAKE USE OF ANY OF THESE LINE-UPS in acting}.
But all HE need is "Suddenly" within a "Twinkle of an Eye". It will take God just the twinkle of an eye... That's all HE needs to perform HIS operations. His ways aren't the same as ours. He doesn't think as we think. He knows far better than you imagine. 
If I may surprise you, I'll say, HE's got a better plan that's better that the one you'd for yourself.
If it were to be men that wanted to drain the Red Sea or construct a hanging over bridge on top of it, I wondered how many years of planning it would take the Architect to do their home work + designs. How many more years it would have taken the Civil Engineers (e.g. Julius Berger 'B') to begin the mobilization and set-up it's construction tools. It would have been a long decades to do that before the children of Israel would ever think of how to escape. Their escape would have involved a lot of hired machineries and expertise consults of some foreign force (like UN, US, etc). It would mean they would work round the clock and round the years in trying to formalize a proper plan. Plans would follow Plans. Plan 'B'; 'C'; 'D'; etc would have been out in place. God didn't do all of that!
You would have thought if it was men that wanted to cure diseases as in the case of #Ebola_Virus_Disease, many trial and error, isolation centers, and trial drugs would firstly be introduced. In the case of God, HE didn't need all of that procedures. No need for testing of God's ability before you know of it's availability and potency. Jesus simply spake "Jesus says to one of the sick folks ... I will, be made whole" and that's it. 
Your issue doesn't need men's consultation before God's confrontation
Your ugly deteriorating health issue doesn't need men's approval before God's removal
You might not need men's sympathy before God's empathy and mercy is invoked.
God can act without an art
God can fight without an army
God can heal without medicine
God can save without prize
God can do anything without nothing... That's why HE's GOD.
Steps to attract God's attention.
#1. Come to HIM (Matthew 11:28). If you're a sinner, ask for HIS forgiveness and do it NOW.
#2. Reference HIM. It means retaining the knowledge of God in your way of life (Romans 1:28)
#3. Call unto HIM (Jeremiah 33:3)
#4. Tell HIM in faith (James 1:6-8)
#5. Praise HIM in advance. One sure thing Praise does is to give you an edge and a raise. It confuses the enemy. It glorifies God. It lifts your heart up as well. So praise God.
I believe God has blessed you with this few script. To know more of God's mindset towards you, you can write or mail me at:
Twitter: @Singapore6
F/book: Singapore Opoola 
Phone: [+234]8134825853

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Quick Facts for Your Fast-tracking Result...

<<<< You are not made by Labour, you are made by Favour! Tap Favour not Labour >>>>
<<<< Your source of prosperity isn't in your business or work but rather it's the source for your seed to be sown and the recurrent harvest from it propels your prosperity >>>>
<<<< Men of old were not moved by the world, they were moved with the Word. The Word of God is the Worth of God. For everyone with a War there is a Word to war with.  ... And the Word became Flesh!  >>>>>
<*> The word of the Lord came to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, all the Prophets. Jesus Himself had the word being the same Word Himself! Get the Word and your War'll be over.
Remain blessed

Follow me on 
Twitter: @Singapore6
F/book: Singapore Opoola

Monday, August 25, 2014

Everyone's Tips...

It's your choice:
Your home to Enjoy or to Endure
Your home on Fire or your life moving Higher
Your home Better or Bitter
A better - half you marry or a bitter - half to carry
Her Head to be or her Headache to become

<> Good God wants His men to love their wives. Good wives want their men to love their God.
<> Despite your Muscles devil can still Muzzle you except you take God's Capsules.
<> If you do not allow God to handle you, devil will rough-handle you.
<> Maturity comes not with age but accepting Responsibilities.
<> Giving your wife your time and care shows your respect to God who gave her to you.
<> If you want your wife to call you Honey, give her Money [for proVision]
<> You're not entitled to any Provision except you've got your Vision.
<> Pamper her and do not Tamper with her [face].
<> only a Beast beats his wife. Be her better-half and not a bitter-half via beating.
<> Musicians use timing to make a Symphony, but a good husband uses timing to make a Harmony at home.
<> Never let her live to Cope with you but rather to Hope in you.
<> Sex is better with your wife at home, outside, it is bitter.
<> Only good Conduct is needed not good Condom to avert diseases.
<> The only good disease that must be spread at home & abroad is LOVE. So, keep spreading it.
<> The woman you love is the wife you can lord.
<> Your wife wants the Room of your heart not just a room in your house. Give it to her or better, give her the two.
<> The way you begged her to marry you, should be the way you beg her to stay forever with you. Don't kick her away like a football, but lick her face like a sweet.
<> Love is like a driver's license, it needs renewal. But unlike driver's license, its renewal is daily and not yearly.
<> For better for worse is not a romantic poetry, it is a life long commitment. Any man that fails to love his wife, hates himself [Ephesians 5:28].
<> Every woman is thirsty, get yours drunk with your love.
<> If you're manly enough to father a baby, then be humanly enough to baby-sit.
<> Your wife doesn't just need your Car, she also needs your Care.

Who are You? What's your Role? Do you know!!!

The roles of an End-time Youth!
Bible speaking gave us the what we can call the explanation of end-time and its events. II Timothy 3:1 says  Don't be naive. There are difficult times ahead as the end approaches. (dMSG). I'll like captioned this year's theme as "The Roles of Youth in the End-time" and not vice-versa. While thanking God for this magazine and the entire Youths of the Peace Tabernacle Church, Oyo for this year's convention, may His name be praised for ever. Amen.
Foremost, it is paramount to know that we are not an end-time youth but youth in the end-time. We've been called out of the world. Paul admonishes us never to let no man despise thy youth (1 Timothy 4:12a). So as a youth here in this time let no one, no thing, no friend, no association, no man / woman, no fame, and or nothing at-all despise thee. 
Except the importance / use of a thing is known, abuse is inevitable. What really causes despise and abuse is because many youths today have failed in knowing whom they are. You have to ask the question 'who am I' and answer it correctly.
Now, let's see what are the roles of a Youth in this end-time. Before that, we should not forget, end-time has its' attributes as stated in 2 Timothy 3:2-5. It's like asking a soldier what's your role in battlefield. If the end-time is synonymous with evils and corruption, then God expects His ambassadors (i.e. the youths) to rise to the task.
You wanna ask: what is the role of a youth in this corrupt nation, his / her role in the campus, Youth's role in the business sector, in academic sector, in politics, in church of God and in the world at large. What are our roles as Youth. Except you know you've got a role to play, you don't need venture into the 'play-let'. A man with no role has no need to be in the film location. So, whether we like it or not for the fact we are here at such a time as this, (end-time) we have roles to play. You have part to play. Whether it's a good or bad one now depends on you.
The life of queen Esther in Shushan the palace should give us vivid samples we can glean from; our roles in any sector we are. The book of Esther chapter 2 to the end will appraise us much of her qualitative roles:
i. She was qualified to be in the palace [vs. 3]. Sir / Ma, are you qualified to get to the palace. Esther was among those "fair young virgins". She has the qualification. Do you have it bro and sis. Only the FAIR, YOUNG and VIRGINS are qualified as that was the qualification then and even now. How's your behaviour as a youth; can it be said to be fair or bad. Well, many has the second qualification but failed to get the first. There are many YOUNG but Un-Fair youths today. Lastly, they must be VIRGINS. Purity is a Virtue. How pure are you. The first role is to be qualified in this end-time.
ii. [vs. 3] Also spoke of their things for Purification. Even with the assignment and task ahead, they needed to be purified. Many youths have been en-danger by their past. You need things for PURIFICATION. Esther collected her's. Have you gotten your own things for purification. The second role of a youth is to be PURIFIED. A life with no Purity ends in Futility.
iii. [vs. 4] How pleased are you to the people around you. How pleased are your character to your community. There can be no better World except we've got a better Nation and there can be no better Nation except we've a better People and no better People except there is a good Person. A better person is keen to changing the world. Nigeria would be good if there are good Persons. Our nation will be clean and green when the youths decide not to lither the environment again. Corruption will reduced or be eradicated when the youths stands for justice.
<*> What do we say about Joseph's role in Egypt - (He helped them with the decomposed Economy)
<*> What do we think about David's role? (He brought down Goliath's head as a youth)
<*> What of Daniel and his friends? The account of Heroes of Useful Youths continues from then till now. You and I can join by causing a change in this world of ours. We are not useless but Useful only when we take Responsibility.
I will conclude this text by saying; no one can change nothing except he / she is changed. The cost of Change is Changes. When you're Changed you can then make Changes. Our roles as Youths in this End-time is endless but we can all begin with a step. God could be the step in the right order. Go and perform your roles...

Opoola Oluwaseun G.
[Singapore __ (+234) (081)34825853]
Twitter: @Singapore6
Facebook: Singapore Opoola

Tips for every1...

It's your choice:
Your home to Enjoy or to Endure
Your home on Fire or your life moving Higher
Your home Better or Bitter
A better - half you marry or a bitter - half to carry
Her Head to be or her Headache to become

<> Good God wants His men to love their wives. Good wives want their men to love their God.
<> Despite your Muscles devil can still Muzzle you except you take God's Capsules.
<> If you do not allow God to handle you, devil will rough-handle you.
<> Maturity comes not with age but accepting Responsibilities.
<> Giving your wife your time and care shows your respect to God who gave her to you.
<> If you want your wife to call you Honey, give her Money [for proVision]
<> You're not entitled to any Provision except you've got your Vision.
<> Pamper her and do not Tamper with her [face].
<> only a Beast beats his wife. Be her better-half and not a bitter-half via beating.
<> Musicians use timing to make a Symphony, but a good husband uses timing to make a Harmony at home.
<> Never let her live to Cope with you but rather to Hope in you.
<> Sex is better with your wife at home, outside, it is bitter.
<> Only good Conduct is needed not good Condom to avert diseases.
<> The only good disease that must be spread at home & abroad is LOVE. So, keep spreading it.
<> The woman you love is the wife you can lord.
<> Your wife wants the Room of your heart not just a room in your house. Give it to her or better, give her the two.
<> The way you begged her to marry you, should be the way you beg her to stay forever with you. Don't kick her away like a football, but lick her face like a sweet.
<> Love is like a driver's license, it needs renewal. But unlike driver's license, its renewal is daily and not yearly.
<> For better for worse is not a romantic poetry, it is a life long commitment. Any man that fails to love his wife, hates himself [Ephesians 5:28].
<> Every woman is thirsty, get yours drunk with your love.
<> If you're manly enough to father a baby, then be humanly enough to baby-sit.
<> Your wife doesn't just need your Car, she also needs your Care.

Who are You?

You are not what people say you're but whom God says you are.
Here is the lists...
A politician calls you a constituent
A teacher calls you a student
Your Pastor calls you a member / a parishioner
A doctor calls you a patient
A lawyer calls you client
A manufacturer calls you customer
Your wife calls you honey
Your husband calls you dealing
Your creditor calls you borrower
Your child calls you daddy / mummy
Your boy/girl friend calls you lover
President calls you citizen
A landlord calls you tenant
A tenant calls you neighbour 
Your boss calls you a servant 
and the lists is without end...
But who are you called by God?
God calls you Son...
God calls you Daughter...
my emphasis added (cued from Pst. Matthew Ashimolowo)

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Awaiting CHANGE

... a Thought as it remains a day (approximately) for 2013 to CHANGE to 2014!!!
The Awaiting CHANGE
<*> Everyone will Wait for 60 seconds to Change for a Minute to come
<*> Everyone will Wait for 60 minutes to Change for an Hour to come
<*> Everyone will Wait for 24 hours to Change for a Day to come
<*> Everyone will Wait for 7 days for a Week to come
<*> Everyone will Wait for (at least) 4 weeks for a Month to come
<*> Everyone will Wait for 365 days / 12 months for a Year to come
<*> Everyone will Wait for 10 Years for a Decade to come
<*> Everyone will Wait for 10 Decades for a Century to come
<***> just a change in figure i.e. 201'3' to 201'4' ; there's a need to wait for 365 days for one figure to change....
The waiting time tells the wasting or the watching time
Everyone will have The CHANGE expected but must Wait. For everyone who waits can't be disappointed either to the positive or to the negative depending on What is waited for!
Lord, my soul is Waiting for You, when shall I see Your face... When will my Change come! Job says, ...all the days of my appointed time (i.e. life) shall I Wait till my Change come. Job 14:14
Lord God, I need a change, as I wait on You, please come to my rescue and change me. Let my life be Changed within without this coming year in Jesus name; Amen __ 10:06am


Chapter 1


         "Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with Him. Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair: and the house was filled with odor of the ointment." – John 12: 1-3

         "But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." – Luke 10:42

         "And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious; and she brake the box, and poured it on his head." – Mark 14:3

         The two sisters of Bethany loved Jesus. Their home was always open to Him. Their hospitality and service of love proved irrevocably their devotion and spiritual standing. While all of this is granted, immediately on closer examination, we see a great difference in their lives. The road, so to speak, forks. The likeness changes suddenly into two dissimilar religious lives.

         Martha illustrates one life. The Scriptures bring out facts about her life and conduct that find a strange response and recognition by the people who are only regenerated. Let us notice a few things said about her. "She was cumbered about much serving." Oh, that much serving, and that heavy feeling that arises often as a consequence in the Christian life! The wrinkles and care-worn expression in many Christian faces spell the sentence "cumbered about much serving." Her eyes were on her sister. One of the hardest things in the world for a regenerated person to do is to keep his eyes off his brother. Then her grief was increased by having "to serve alone." This is a great trial to the soul that has not passed into the Heavenly zone of the sanctified life. Again she was "careful and troubled about many things." Her life was full of anxiety, worry, fretting, and fear about the past, present, and future. This is true of multitudes of professed Christians today.

         Mary illustrates the sanctified life. The things said about her bring out the hidden traits of her character.

         1. She gave her most costly possession to Christ. Many Christians keep back the costly things. They will give of their money, but withhold their name and reputation. However, the sanctified soul feels there is nothing too good or costly for Christ.

         2. Mary broke the alabaster box because she would not use it for anything else. If she had only taken the lid off, it could have been used for something else; but she made a complete sacrifice, and broke the box. When Moses smote the rock with his rod, he broke the rock, and the water poured out. Gideon's three hundred men broke their pitchers to let out the light. Jesus broke His own body on the cross that He might save the world. So those who would have the highest Christian experience must break their boxes. You will find that the saints of all ages have had to break their boxes, and the Devil does not like that.

         There are many boxes we must break, if we would receive the Holy Ghost. There is the Church box, the sectarian – the ecclesiastical box, the financial box, the social box, all of which should be broken for Him. Then you must break the box of affections. Many times the affections are set on things that are wrong. Now God does not destroy our affections or freeze them. But He gently unwinds them from earthly things, purifies, and sets them on things above.

         3. Notice the fragrance. When Mary broke the alabaster box and poured it on Jesus, the house, we are told, was filled with the sweet odors. When Jesus poured out His life on Calvary, earth and Heaven were filled with the fragrance of His life. The fragrant oil which she poured out is a type of the Holy Ghost. So the Holy Ghost brings to us the very fragrance and sweetness of Heaven. There is something about the sanctified, Spirit-filled life which cannot be put into print. "It is the breath of Jesus in the heart, the vapor from the river of life, the perfume of the Rose of Sharon, the elixir of prayer. This is far more in the sight of God than all the outward hulls of religious form and teaching which only serve as the alabaster box to this divine spikenard of Heavenly love." The holy anointing oil compounded of myrrh, calamus, cinnamon, and cassia made a most delightful odor. "But it was not as fragrant as Holiness itself. Think of perfect love, perfect peace, perfect faith, and perfect joy all poured into a purified heart. The fragrance of such a life soon steals through the home, is felt in the church, distributes itself through the community, and even goes around the world. The spices of Ceylon can be smelled leagues away at sea, but the perfume of a Holy life crosses seas and lands, belts the whole world, and even after hundreds of years is as fragrant as the first day it started forth to bless mankind." The sweet incense consisted of select ingredients. When these were crushed and beaten into a fine powder and finally offered by fire, the sweet fragrance arose to fill the Holy place in the old tabernacle. In like manner when God takes us and breaks us and puts us through the fiery tests, it is then our prayers and tears ascend up to God as a sweet smelling savor.

         Years ago a young successful preacher became rich. He was engaged to a very wealthy lady. When she became sick and died, it broke his heart. He lay on the floor for hours each day for two or three months weeping and fasting. Later he went to India as a missionary and gave away his great wealth to those people. For forty years living in a small room he served God and those people. William Taylor met him and led him into the "more excellent way." He renounced Calvinism and joined the Arminian Methodist Church and was known all over Bombay as a devoted saint of India. God often breaks our plans and our affections that we may pour out our prayers, our love, and tears on the feet of Jesus.

         4. She sat at His feet. What a picture of contentment, rest, quietness, and humility. "It was the nestling attitude of a little child sitting at a mother's knee."

         There is a beautiful grace known as "Sanctification" which takes all worry and unrest out of the heart and deposits within a rest and peace which cannot be described. A sense of unmistakable fullness is realized. The consciousness fills one that every part of the soul and body has been reached. There is a sense of being inwardly healed, for an exquisite experience of purity is felt. The soul fairly melts with a baptism of perfect love, and through it all and in it all, the Spirit of God whispers to the soul this is sanctification.

         5. She "heard His words." What words of comfort, words of love, sweetness, and tenderness. "She sat at His feet and drank in the deep ocean meaning of His words, and gazed into the depths of His Spirit, until she was nigh beside herself with divine fervor. She yearned to give the highest possible expression of her personal love for the Master. Her act at the banquet beautifully illustrates those believers who reach the highest state of divine contemplation and those whose love becomes a burning flame."

         There is special blessing pronounced on those who have ears to hear what the Spirit has to say. Listen to the prophet Isaiah, "Hear and your soul shall live." How simple! How sublime! "The river of crystal love flowing into my panting spirit simply by listening to the ripple of its flow. Cease your useless struggling; hush the self-noise of your self-will and heart; get quiet; listen to Jesus – only let His words float into your ears, down into your heart, and it will heal. If our entire soul will but hearken to Christ, His word will heal our soul, His voice will soften and pacify us." Oh, to sit at His feet and like Mary of old, drink in the ocean meaning of His words.

         6. Mary chose the good part. We are told "Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Luke 10:42. Here you have the key to Mary's marvelous life. She chose the more excellent way. The word "chosen" in the above quotation explains the difference between the two sisters in Bethany. Some would try to make it appear that the difference between Mary and Martha was a purely natural one – a mere question of temperament. This is contrary to the teaching of the Bible. This would make God unjust. No person can choose his temperament. There are three factors in every life which can make or break us: heredity, environment, and willpower. Heredity has to do with our natural birth. Environment has to do with our surroundings and associates. But, if we will make God our choice forever, we can be made a partaker of Divine Nature. Then God will work miracles in our lives. God can take a Jacob with a fallen twist in his very nature and by conquering and subduing him, change him into a prince overnight.

         Notice the power of choice in some Bible characters. "Ruth and Orpah go for awhile side by side, and Orpah seems much more devoted of the two.
Notwithstanding all her kisses and caresses, Orpah goes back to her heathen people and her earthly life. Ruth, with her quiet, unostentatious manner chooses the people of God and cleaves unto her mother-in-law. Thus her whole nature moves on majestically in the line of God's covenant and blessing, and the heir of all the promises.

         The secret of Moses' life can be summed up in one word "choice." He was the great lawgiver and leader of Israel. It was he who went up into the Holy Mount and spent forty days with the Lord. He brought with him a perfect pattern of the tabernacle with its golden candlesticks, the golden altar of incense, the Holy of Holies with its golden ark of the covenant. Moses gave to us a set of moral codes which has affected every civilized nation on earth. But all of this dates back to one word "choice." As he looked out over Egypt with her great wealth and pomp and glory, we are told by the Hebrew writer, "By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season."

         God seems to take a peculiar delight in showing His love to the heart that wholly chooses Him. It must be a single choice. Christ describes it in the words, "One thing is needful." Saint Paul says, "This one thing I do." "If there be but one thing needful, then all other things and beings are not needful. They can come or go, can smile or frown, can be for us or against us, and all the time the soul in the enjoyment of perpetual love and presence of Christ is amazingly lifted above the force and influence of them all. The trouble about many things is gone. A great contentment and indescribable satisfaction reigns within."

         7. Mary had an independent blessing: Jesus said "which shall not be taken from her." Thank God for such a blessing. The Comforter has come to abide. The Dove of Peace spreads her wings within the inner chambers of the human heart and lifts her angelic voice with Heaven's sweetest message "Peace be still." We enter into a Divine Sabbath of rest and unfailing sunshine which has no end, though the earthly sun hide its face for days. Things of time and earth fail to disturb this inner repose. All through the trying hours of the day the blessing holds good like a golden lump of honey which seems to have been lodged right in the middle of the heart dripping sweetness and tenderness into all parts of the entire being as the hours of the day go by. The blessing is with us in the morning hours, and all through the day this undergirding is realized. The cares of life and the assaults of men and devils vanish as the waves split and fall to the right and left under the irresistible prow of the rushing steamer. Christ has a blessing for each of us that shall never be taken from us without our consent. We die with it in the soul, enter Heaven with it, and go through all eternity enjoying it. No one can take it from us as long as we choose to keep it. Trouble may beat upon us; tongues may slander us; riches may take to themselves wings and flee away and leave us in poverty; old age may creep into this temple of clay; but nothing shall be able to rob us of this Pearl of Great Price. It abides with us forever.

         8. One more thing about Mary's experience. The blessing came back on her own head. When she broke the alabaster box and anointed the feet of Jesus, she then wiped His feet with her hair. We see in this act that the blessing and sweetness came back on her own head. In like manner when we pour out our prayers, love, and money to bless others, the blessing to a very great extent comes back into our own lives. This will continue to draw interest as long as we live here or hereafter. In the words of a great saint I heard preach nearly forty years ago concerning the poured-out life: "The love that we pour out comes back on our own head. The love that Jesus poured out will come back on His own head. The tears you shed and the prayers you offer will come back to you. The life poured out will come back like birds coming home to roost."

         Jesus said Mary had anointed Him against the day of His burial, but Mary did not know she had done that. A child of God will often do and say things he did not intend to do. A preacher will say things under the guidance of the Holy Spirit away beyond his knowledge, and things he did not intend to say because God is dealing with the people. It is a wonderful thing to serve God. It is a wonderful thing to have the Holy Ghost in you. If you belong to God, you will write words, you will pray prayers, you will preach sermons, you will give money, you will do many things without being conscious why you are doing them. It is a wonderful thing to pray and to think and to walk and to teach and to live in the Holy Ghost. Jesus gave Mary a memorable reputation. He said, "Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her." It is two thousand years since this incident and Mary is still remembered by this act. God tells us that the memory of the just shall live forever.

         Dear friends, God wants to give you a blessing that will transform your life. Do you know there are gifts, talents, and powers lying hidden away in your soul which will never be discovered until they are quickened by the Holy Ghost? When this takes place, oh, what praying; oh, what preaching, what unction, what power, what liberty and Heavenly anointing! Your words, looks, and manners will bless people. I trust the Holy Ghost will reveal these things to your hearts and give each one of you a Mary-like experience which shall not be taken away from you.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

do you love God or you love loving God

... there is the grey danger of you love loving God rather that you love God.
the thirsty for praise, for worship, and other spiritual exercise shouldn't replace the core-value of seeking God alone and finding Him alone. True worshipers' location of worship centers isn't located in Churches but in #Spirit and in #Truth.

Monday, August 4, 2014

last thing not to do...

sooner than later..
it's emanating now
the last thing not to do is 'quit'
don't U quit..