Tuesday, October 13, 2015

MIGHTY GOD – Joe Praize

Ooh Lord, my God, Je…su….s
All: Haunm….
#1. I will speak of Your glory (All: Haunm)
I will show forth Your beauty (All: Haunm)
If I dance it won’t be enough (All: Haunm)
if I shout it won’t be enough (All: Haunm) (repeat)
For You are the great & the mighty King All: haaaa
You rule in every nation (All: haaaaaa)
On Christ the solid rock (All: haaaaaa)
You are worthy to be praised (All: haaaaaa)
You are the Alpha & Omega (All: haaaaaa)
I worship You today (All: haaaaaa)
In You I put my trust (All: haaaaaa)
Your name we will extol (All: haaaaaa)
#2. Heaven speaks of Your glory (All: Ham)
And the earth of Your beauty (All: Ham)
Your love is new every morning (All: Ham)
And Your faithfulness is ever sure (All: Ham)


Yelemnmal … _4x (twice each makes one round)
Call: Uyingwele [You are Holy]
Resp: Yelemnmal
Call: Siyakudumisa
Resp: Yelemnmal …
Call: Hallelujah
Resp: Hallelu--hallelujah ___8x

You are the great & the might God
So greatly to be praised
Beautiful for all situation (…eeeeh)
Repeat everything (all)
You are the joy of the whole world _2x
Lead: Jesus
Resp: Jesus my Lord     Lead: J..e..s..u..s
Resp: Jesus my Joy      Lead: J..e..s..u..s
Resp: Jesus my Lord     Lead: J..e..s..u..s
… you are the great & mighty God …
You are the joy of the whole world _ 3x (till fade)
Lead: Jesus

Resp: Jesus my Lord     Lead: J..e..s..u..s

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