Tuesday, November 25, 2014

No longer partaking from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

by Gail Mast

We are created supernaturally so we should see ourselves in the supernatural, but we are so used to partaking of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (natural). Jesus died for that natural being to bring us back to the supernatural creations He intended us to be from the beginning. Once we receive His love we should no longer partake from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and are free to partake from the Tree of Life (supernatural). 

Wow! Amazing grace how sweet the sound! 

Without Jesus, we cannot partake of the Tree of Life or we would live forever in our sinful (natural) state. Jesus went to the cross. He was human. He took our sin (unbelief), disease, sickness, poverty, and screamed, "IT IS FINISHED!" 

Took it all. It killed Him. Naturally.

But He rose again. Conquered death, hell, and the grave. Your sin. My sin. Your sickness. My sickness. Your disease. My disease. Your poverty. My poverty. 

Took it all! 


And rose again just to bring us new life, supernaturally. Back to the Tree of Life! 

Oh My Gosh! So amazing! 

Because He couldn't stand the though of living without us. He died a human natural death. He was forsaken by His Daddy, (God could not look upon sin), just so we could live forever eternally with Him partaking of the Tree of Life. 

Here on earth.
And forevermore.
Think I am crazy? 
One has to be crazy to live in this world without Him. 

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